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Weekly Announcements:

The Shabbat Afternoon Shiur with Rabbi Segal will take place at 7:10pm on the topic of “Pirkei Avot: A Historical Perspective.” The class is currently discussing the Chashmonaim Era.

Kiddush this week will take place in the Social Hall. Thank you to Kevin Brown, Mayer Kahan, Noam Lefman, Phillip Vedol, and Abe Weinograd for preparing the cholent.

Shabbat Afternoon Program for children grades K-5 will take place this week led by Maayan Kahan and Talya Abrams. Children in grades K-5th are invited to join from 5-6pm on Shabbat afternoon.

Seudah Shlishiet will take place in the Social Hall. Thank you to Donna and Dan Stanger for setting up the Seudah.

Condolences to our cherished members Barbara and Arnie Andler on the passing of Arnie’s sister, Nina Weinstein a’h. Nina peacefully passed away in the home where the first Beth El minyan was established. May her family’s continuous contribution to our community be a merit for the aliyah of her neshama. May Hashem console the Andler and Weinstein families among those that mourn for Zion and Jerusalem.

Semichat Chaver Program: We will be continuing to learn halachot relating to bentching, zimmun and mayim acharonim this Tuesday, July 30th at 7:00pm. Please contact Rabbi Segal to join.

Zoom Candidate Forum: This Tuesday, Jul. 30th at 7pm via Zoom, The Agudah is organizing a Candidate Forum for the 12th Middlesex District State Legislature which includes parts of Newton and Brookline, two major Jewish hubs. This forum will be an opportunity for community members to meet the candidates and to learn about their positions on Israel, antisemitism and support for Jewish day schools. Please register here. To submit questions, email Ariella Hellman at

SAVE THE DATE: October 7th Memorial Siyum: Beth El and other local Orthodox shuls have partnered together for The Greater Boston Community’s October 7th Memorial Siyum. The event will take place on Tzom Gedalya, Sunday Oct. 6th after 5:45pm Mincha at Congregation Kadimah-Toras Moshe to honor the memory of those who perished on Oct. 7. Sign up for reading Mishnayot here:

The Three Weeks: The three weeks (Bein Hametzarim) began from the night of the 17th of Tammuz and will continue through the midday following the 9th of Av. This year, the three weeks fall between Monday night, July 22nd until the midday of Wednesday, Aug. 14th. Weddings, parties and other festive events are not scheduled nor participated in. Haircutting is also restricted during this time.

The Nine Days: The nine days from the evening of Rosh Chodesh Av through the day after

the 9th of Av will begin from Sunday night, Aug. 4th after sunset, until the midday (12:50pm) of Wednesday, Aug. 14th. During this period, the following restrictions apply:

1. No meat may be eaten nor wine consumed, except on Shabbat

2. Recreational (as opposed to instructional) swimming and bathing for pleasure (as opposed

to hygiene) should not take place.

3. No laundry should be washed except children’s clothing